The Mobile Legal Clinic is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to help homeless persons obtain a better access to justice. The originality of its work is found in its innovative proximity practice of offering mobile legal information to homeless persons.
On a weekly basis, the Mobile Legal Clinic’s volunteers, 50 students from the Law Faculties of McGill University, the Université of Montréal, the Université Laval and UQAM, meet with homeless persons in different shelters or day centers in Montréal and Quebec City and help them navigate the legal system through an accompaniment service.
Annually, the Mobile Legal Clinic does more than a thousand follow ups and accompaniments with homeless persons it helps. The Mobile Legal Clinic also advocates collectively the interest of homeless people before different tribunals.
Cromwell Management’s financial support of the Mobile Legal Clinic since 2015 is a testimony to its philosophy of community commitment to help vulnerable individuals. Concretely, Cromwell Management’s support has helped homeless persons have a better access to justice, which ultimately contributes to their social reintegration